Start Ends
Our last Start session started with a “checking in” as Claire asked us how our day had gone. We ended the Start session by looking forward. What shall we do now?

Lindy felt we all have inquiring minds that want to discover more about books in the Bible, both Old Testament and New Testament, in order to help us go further in our lives with Christ. It was decided that we would continue to meet via Zoom on Mondays at 7.30pm to 8.30pm and anyone in the group would have a chance of sharing a topic/leading a session, allowing all of us to contribute our ideas and experiences. We recognised and accepted that some are happier to listen and share rather than lead. Claire will investigate other courses we could follow, preferably ones with video clips, as we have enjoyed watching others talk about the faith through short DVDs. We can keep to a similar format:
· An interesting starter question (possibly linked to the theme of the session)
· A Bible reading (or event)
· A time for discussion and a chance to express experiences and ideas
· Another Bible reading or ….. (poem, YouTube clip, short story …)
· A closing prayer.
Denise kindly agreed to start us off with “God and our stupid big mistakes” a topic title Ryan in particular appreciated! Claire asked us to think about possible names for our new Monday night get together – so soon we will have a name!
In between the above, the final Start session was about how Jesus is great at calling us, just as he was when he lived on earth! We heard Mark 1:14-20. There was something so compelling about Jesus that his disciples gave up everything to follow Jesus. We can do the same. For those just hearing Jesus’ call, there could be three steps to follow:
1 SORRY – for going my own way rather than God’s way and messing up.
2 YES – ask Jesus to deal with the mess and give you the salvation he died for.
3 HELLO – be part of the family of God; learning, sharing and growing together along the journey with Jesus.
Some of us experienced faith in steps 1 to 3 but for others the order was different e.g. 3 1 2!
Whatever our situation, the most important thing is to start and continue the journey in God’s way.
Please email if you are interested in joining the group.