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Prayer at St. Petroc's Church

Prayer Points prepared by Eve Christie - Let us pray:

Prayer is the invitation to talk with God, and it's open to all.


We believe that as we spend time with him, God meets with us. As we offer him our hopes, fears, and longings, he can change our lives. Prayer is an important part of our every day lives, as well as our worshipping on a Sunday, and there are various ways you can join with the prayers of the church: 

Ask someone - you are welcome to get in touch with any of the team and ask them to pray with you and for you. They can put you in touch with our pastoral ministers for any ongoing prayer needs. 

Pray online - you can read prayers or listen to acts of prayer on the Church of England website.


Prayer cards -

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click here to access a set of colourful cards that

support prayer when certain situations are faced:

Wanting guidance

Worried about someone


Wanting forgiveness

Being thankful

Finding peace

Feeling alone

Struggling with change

Being accepted

Feeling hurt

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A quiet place for prayer

One of the side chapels at St. Petroc’s Church is a place for quiet refection and prayer.


Many people like to light a candle as part of their prayer.

A Pilgrim Prayer Trail gives prayers to say at several places around  the church.


Requests for prayer can be written and added to the prayer tree for others to pray on the writer’s behalf.


A set of prayer cards are available for anyone to use and take away. The cards are also online (see link above).


More guidance can be found at

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