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Memory Month

November remembers several events.


Standing in pairs, a tennis ball was bounced between players, in time to the rhythm of the poem "Remember remember the fifth of November." It seemed an impossible task to some but it was surprisingly successful! We remember the Gunpowder Plot of 5 November 1605 every year, instigated by James 1, to celebrate its failure.

It's often referred to as Bonfire Night or Fireworks Night.


The two minute challenge. Everyone shut their eyes and were asked to raise their hand when they thought two minutes was up. No hands were raised before time was called, as it proved hard to judge.

Since 1919, a two minute silence at 11am on 11 November in the UK happens on Armistice Day, every year. Also, a two minute silence at 11am is observed on Remembrance Sunday, held on the second Sunday of November. It commemorates British service members who died in wars and military conflicts since the onset of World War I and honours the heroic efforts, achievements and sacrifices made.

It's often referred to as Poppy Day.


Twelve chairs were placed around a table. Everyone took a seat. Why twelve? We were re-enacting the Last Supper. An event now held not just in November but monthly and weekly, is one started by Jesus at the Last Supper. Jesus, knowing he’d be killed the next day, told his followers to do something to remember him. He did this by giving a piece of bread to each person and sharing wine. The bread symbolised his body that would die on the cross and the wine represented his blood that would be poured out at this death. The death of Jesus is important as it brings forgiveness of sins. After Jesus rose from the dead, his followers remembered Jesus just as he asked them to. His followers still remember him in this way today.

It's often referred to as the Lord’s Supper, Communion or Eucharist.

Three crafts were on offer to represent each memory looked at today.

Miniature art involved layers of wax crayon and carving a fireworks design into it. A kit enabled poppies to be made. Postcards with "Jesus' followers remember him" with an image of bread and wine were coloured.

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