Sunday Celebration – Harvest Special
The relaxed service featured drum rhythms, songs, shared prayers, interviews and vegetable soup!

Children joined with Rev Claire as she gave the beat for “Come all you people, come praise your maker”; Joy interviewed Lee Frost, from Celtic Produce, who told us how the shop is reducing its use of plastic through its highly praised initiative of allowing customers to purchase milk by filling their own containers; and Katie, who helped create and continues to tend the community garden on the Kinsman Estate. We included in our prayers thanks to God and thanks to our food providers.
The food given at St Petroc’s Church of England Primary School’s Harvest Festival on Wednesday, was on display, along with the offerings from the two services this morning. We are grateful to the Food Bank who will arrive with their mini-bus tomorrow, to collect the donations.
The church’s pastoral group contributed to the decoration of the church with potted plants that will be given to those known to us who are housebound.