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Scandalously Free Grace!

The “Searchers” will continue where the “Start” course ended. We all want to know more of God and grow in our faith. We are happy for others to join us via Zoom on Mondays at 7.30pm to 8.30pm. (Please contact

For our very first Searcher’s session, Denise read to us a true story. The writer asked us to think about a time when we really “blew it”. Did it lead to despair? If so, remember the words of Psalm 23, “goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the lord forever.”

The woman in the story did something that ruined life for her and her family.

However, she came to understand 4 biblical truths about God.

God is faithful – he won’t leave us.

God is sovereign – God accomplishes all his desires for us through his love.

God’s providence – all things ultimately give glory to God.

God forgives – we don’t stand accused as a result of our wrongdoing because Jesus lived a sinless life and was the sacrifice for sin - he paid the price of our imperfections and our sins can be forgiven.

We discussed the seriousness of sin and the fact that all humans sin. It’s only by grace that we enter God’s presence, on earth and in heaven. If God counted our wrongdoings against us – who would stand? None of us, for we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

We should not make light of our sin and God’s forgiveness. In the New Testament, Paul was asked whether we should sin so that God’s grace abounds. He said that this is not the right thing to do at all! Christians repent (are sorry for wrongdoing and change course) and aim to be Christlike; but when we sin, God’s grace is there, to bring us back to him, if we ask him.

Searcher’s Monday Sessions:

November 9 we will discuss Communion through a song chosen by Lea and readings by Kimberley.

November 16 Barbara will lead a discussion on a Psalm.

November 23 Lindy will share a story that has a link to Christmas.

We will look at Advent for 4 weeks in a row from November 30 with Claire taking the lead.

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