- barbarabrittain212
SPY Network at Bodmin Keep
Fascinating stories brought to life through museum items
Leah Mason, Learning Manager at Bodmin Keep, invited SPY Network to complete a series of four workshops on how to be a curator.
At the first session Leah gave a whistle-stop tour of the museum, stopping to show us what she called some of the "icons" of the museum. We were engrossed with what Leah pointed out and the stories behind the objects. Some of them were:
A Bible owned by George Washington
Wood from a tree planted by George Washington made into a gavel
A letter from Florence Nightingale
The quilt from Lucknow
Teddy bear and soldiers' artwork
A shaving mirror that saved a soldier's life in the famous battle of Hill 112
A piece of the Berlin Wall
An hour was not long enough.
Next week the young people will be free to roam the museum and select items of interest to them. They will then have a go at labelling the artefacts, just as curators do.
To join SPY Network contact info@bodminway.org.