Stop Reflect Remember
Updated: Nov 13, 2023
“Stop Reflect and Remember” were words spoken by Rev’d Andy Earl during his address on Remembrance Sunday in St. Petroc’s Church, Bodmin, on 12 November 2023. He is a former police officer and army chaplain and is currently chaplain to 165 Port and Maritime Regiment and Safeguarding Office for the Diocese of Truro. The church was full of those remembering the significance of the day.

Poppy displays added poignancy to the observances.
Speaking with Bodmin’s Mayor at the end of the service, Chris Lock, Royal Tank Regiment Veteran, referring to the main wreath laying service in Priory Park, said:
“That was one of the most beautiful services I’ve attended. The rain added to the occasion. Everyone stood their ground and showed commitment to the act of remembrance. With news of awful events in our world, I was inspired by the actions of good people at today’s parade.”
Chris Lock BEM and his wife Milena Kolarikova BEM, who live in Bodmin, were invited guests of Cllr. Phil Cooper, Mayor of Bodmin. Mr Lock was among the first to receive a British Empire Medal from King Charles III at the New Year’s Honours and Milena received a British Empire Medal from Queen Elizabeth II.

Milena Kolarikova BEM and Chris Lock BEM
Earlier in the morning, at the DCLI Memorial outside Bodmin Keep, Standards fell at 9am followed by a short service and wreath laying.
Rev'd Paul Holley and Rev'd Andy Earl
The Last Post was played by Tracey James before the two minute silence, when birdsong and distant vehicles were all that could be heard.

Lili-May Crouch, a police cadet, attended the service at the Keep and church in the capacity of wreath bearer for Bodmin’s Mayor. A police cadet was also the wreath bearer for the High Sheriff and Leading Sea Cadet Will Wooller was wreath bearer for the Vice Lord Lieutenant.

Lili-May Crouch with mayor and lady mayoress
Bodmin Town Band played music that was comforting and rousing in equal measure at Bodmin Keep, Priory Park War Memorial and St. Petroc’s Church.
The parade marched away from the Keep and was met by Deputy Mayor Cllr. Mike Barbery and his daughter Terri at Priory Park.
The main wreath laying for the town took place at Priory Park War Memorial. Among those presenting a wreath were community groups who work towards the good of the town.
The procession, walking from Priory Park to the church, would have seen small crosses on the grass by the west door. The crosses were a gift from the Royal British Legion and were displayed by pupils from St. Petroc's Primary School with Headteacher Mr Perfect.
Cubs, Scouts, Girlguiding representatives and Bodmin College representative were among the uniformed groups who attended the church service.

The Royal British Legion, Bodmin Town Council, Bodmin Keep and St. Petroc's Church worked together on Bodmin's observances and the events were well attended and appreciated by the town.
Leading Cadet Will Wooller