The Pearl of Great Price
We continued reading and discussing various passages in Matthew's Gospel this week at the virtual Bible Study. Jesus compared the Kingdom of Heaven with a pearl. We are to realise that God and his Kingdom are of ultimate value. It only right that we value God more than anything else.
When people make a conscious decision to seek the pearl i.e. when they seek God, it is like the moment of declaration that Peter experienced at a place called Caesarea Phillipi when he said that Jesus is the Christ (the chosen one), the Son of the living God. Some Christians call their conversion to Christ a "Caesarea Phillipi" moment.
We discussed the mission of Jesus' disciples and compared it with mission today. William shared key words about mission: shared; sustained; strategic; demanding and Jesus shaped.
Helen added that she aims to get alongside and befriend others and then invite them to an event or service at the Church. At the moment we can share the web links to our virtual services and daily reflections that share the good news of Jesus. We all agreed that the sharing the faith will continue virtually as well as physically when social distancing restrictions are lifted and we can view it as a new way, alongside existing ways, to share the faith.
Please contact Barbara at if you'd like to join our weekly Bible Study on Zoom.