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Topsy Turvy


We are talking about Topsy Turvy dolls and not our Topsy Turvy world!

For her friend's great granddaughter, Ann knitted a princess, holding a dance card, on one side and Cinderella,with a bright yellow duster, on the other! The princess will only dance with the prince! It's brilliant. Ann has also been knitting beanie hats for premature babies at Treliske.

Kimberley has completed a diamond painting that was a present from her son. The painting of an owl is shown here. Kimberley is doing another one and soon we will see her 'pointing of a peacock'.

Mike has started knitting one of the colourful characters that we've enjoyed seeing in the past. He has been paining and showed us some beautiful countryside scenes and one showing the view through the shutters of a window. It transported us to a home in France!

Helen has been finding new walking routes near her home. She recently walked to Clerkenwater and was able to cross the recently mended bridge there.

We will continue to meet on Zoom once a fortnight during lockdown. It's great to see people or hear them if they join the Zoom meeting on the phone.



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