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Training young people to lead

What worship is and what it can be like

Workshop 1 of the Young Worship Leader (YWL) course explored what is meant by worship. The second workshop was about sections that make up a service of worship.

An invitation was given to draw “strange things I have seen in church”. Pictures showed magnet fishing, bouncy castles, lit brazier, silent disco and snow machine and Titanic plaque.

Our next stop was in church. After watching a short video about singing, as one way to worship God, we walked around church to remind ourselves of other things involved in a service of worship. Standing behind the altar we thought of Holy Communion; in the pulpit and at the lectern we thought of sermons and talks and Bible readings and intercessory prayers; we smelt incense; standing around the font we shared the meaning of baptism and discussed art within worship such as the stations on the cross and icons.

We headed back for refreshments and explored further what is included in a worship service.

Rev’d Sophie, Lydia and Ry showed us literature they brought along, including orders of service, lectionary, prayer books and many more!

One was called “The Dramatised Bible” which has many chapters of the Bible written in script form. The Bible doesn’t simply have to be read at a service, it could be read in parts, acted and involve costumes to enhance the story, as done by ‘Open the Book’.

Parts of the “Service of the Word” are preparation, Bible and Creeds, prayers and blessing. We now know that section E of “Common Worship” gives lots of Creeds that can be used in a service, depending on who going to attend. There is a lot of choice. Only priests can celebrate Holy Communion, but the “Service of the Word” can be led by lay people.

Lydia asked us if we’d heard of ‘Lego Church’ and ‘Messy Church’. We watched short videos about both. Attendees make characters after hearing a Bible story at Lego Church. Sophie told us about ‘Wild Church’, ‘Adventure Church’ and ‘Breakfast Church’. There’s also ‘Muddy Church’ and ‘Sunday Active’.

We suggested ‘Pokémon Church’, ‘Manga Church’ and ‘Play-Doh Church’. We felt we could invite our friends to any of the “Churches” as they are fun and incorporate all the parts needed for a service of the word.

Play-Doh was made into a monster during the workshop but after hearing about Lego Church, the next Play-Doh masterpiece showed Adam, Eve, snake and an apple from Genesis chapter 3.

Time was given for reflection. We started to plan a service for YWLs to finalise and lead after their commissioning.

Lydia invited Ry to lead the group’s final prayer. What a fitting way to end the session.

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